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the artists formerly known as

(CD 1997)


Bellissimo cd con le traduzioni in inglese di alcuni pezzi di EelST. Introvabile sia in America che in Italia, fu distribuito gratuitamente a pochi fortunati nel corso del tour Americano del 1998, diventando uno dei componenti più rari della discografia Eelst.

Ne esistono due versioni, con la scaletta leggermente diversa. Una la trovate sul sito delle Fave Romane, l'altra la trovate qua!

I testi riportati sul libretto (che potrete leggere sul Culto del Monociglione) NON corrispondono a quelli poi cantati nel disco, che trovate qua sotto. Li ho trascritti "a orecchio" dal cd, con la preziosa collaborazione di Crucco, Filippo & TheFalcon! Ci saranno sicuramente errori; se ne trovate... scriveteMI!

...e visto che mi sono fatto il culo a fisarmonica a trascrivere tutta questa cazzo di roba in inglese, quando la copierete in giro (perché tanto so che lo farete!) almeno citatemi nei credits!

E adesso, spigolature!
Voi tutti sapete che "The artist formerly known as Elio e le storie Tese" è una citazione di: "The artist formerly known as Prince". Però... lo sapevate per cosa sta E.L.I.O.? No?
Sapevatelo: Enema Lovers Italian Orchestra!
Ovvero: "Orchestra italiana degli amanti dei clisteri" (tnx Riccardo!)


(L'eterna lotta tra il bene e il male)
Introducing the Darling I love you
(Cara ti amo)
Strange questions
Satanic message
(burattino senza fichi)
(Lo stato A, Lo stato B)
(in italiano)
(in italiano)

(L'eterna lotta tra il bene e il male)

L'inizio della canzone in indiano dice pressappoco:
"Ho visto il mondo intero, migliaia di persone,
queste persone hanno facce gentili ma sono senza cuore!"

Il ritornello invece dice:
"La storia del mio cuore non ha dimenticato"
(tnx Valis)

Very good, very good
Very bad, very bad
Very good, very good
Very bad, very bad

India, terra di santi indiani,
poeti indiani, navigatori indiani,
Gange, fiume che ti bagna, fiume che ti parla,
"non vorrei rovinare un così bel rapporto".

Lungo il fiume milioni di proseliti,
un signore canta una nenia misteriosa.

Eat the right combination of italian food:
Spaghetti bolonnaise - very good, very good,
capuccino bolonnaise - very bad, very bad,
pizza Napule paisa' - very good, very good,
pizza with spaghetti - very bad, very bad,
drink salted water,
parmisan cheese in the hair.

Capuccino - very good, very good,
spaghetti with capuccino - very bad, very bad,
espresso - very good, very good,
espresso with vinegar - very bad, very bad.

Bread with lasagna in it,
gnocchi filled with motoroil,
don't put meatballs in espresso,
the table is on the table.

Bread is very good
but don't fill it with lasagna,
gnocchi in the nose,
bread filled with bread

Shfilatino italiano - very good, very good,
pizza bolonnaise - very bad, very bad,
gnocchi with lasagna - very good, very good,
spaghetti western - very bad, very bad,
espresso on top of lasagna,

Choose the right combination.

Garlic - very good, very good,
garlic with italian icecream - very bad, very bad,
italian icecream - very good, very good,
italian icecream with tuna - very bad, very bad,
tuna - very good, very good,
tuna with honey - very bad, very bad,
red wine - very good, very good,
red wine with tuna - very bad, very bad,

The table is on the table - very bad, very bad,
the cat is eating garlic - very good, very good,
the garlic is on the cat - very bad, very bad,
salami - very good, very good,
salami in the capuccino - very bad, very bad,
espresso - very good, very good,
espresso with garlic - very bad, very bad,
garlic, vinegar with vinegar,
garlic in the garlic - very bad, very bad,
the garlic is on the table,
vinegar with pizza,
table is on the italian icecream. Ahahah.


Nismese gotchetene bolghers chetegossuve!
Pretzdavimivi Elio e le Storie Tese.

Ha ha ha ha, thank you.
Thank you to the Bulgarian State Radio
and Television Female Choir,
who finally brought us a state
of the art balcanic dance,
more human, more true - più umano più vero
a sincere dance - È un ballo sincero
eh, bè, sure given the international situation
we had to promise them "Ramaya" - Ramaya
(which was a big hit),
but my friends I assure you it was worth it.

Hooray for Italia, hooray for Bulgaria
who gave us the gift of the PIPPPERO;
let's circle our fingers and connect falanges,
that's the dance called the PIPPPERO;
friends in the Bulgarian Secret Service,
don't shoot at the Pope anymore,
but dedicate yourselves to the PIPPPERO.

Bulgarian people, Italian people,
Bulgarian and Italian Secret Services, let's go.
Listen how the PIPPPERO pumps...


Bravo, cazzo, bravo,
now let me teach you some Italian.
Repeat after me:
Più umano, più vero -
Più umano più vero
È un ballo straniero -
È un ballo straniero
Qui l'atmosfera sa di Pipppero -
Qui l'atmosfera sa di Pipppero
Se in discuteca balli u Pippperu Pipppero -
Se in discuteca balli u Pippperu Pipppero
Very good, now by your lonely:

Più umano, più vero.
È un ballo sincero.
E la tua estate sa di PIPPPERO - Cazzo! -
non senti come pompa il PIPPPERO?
Pump up pump up pump up pump up!
Minghia, pump up the PIPPPERO!

Più umano, più vero. È un ballo sincero.
Più umano, più veeeeeeerooooo

Molto bravo, cazzo!
Are you rotating your fingers?
Are you connecting your falanges?
Are you making friends with people whose skin
is a different color than yours ?
Good for you! Now it's time to sing out loud:
"Ramaya, Ramaya, Ramaya, Rarrà"

Il Pipppero is a dance that you and I can do,
if there is love, and love is there,
yes, love is there, I assure you love is there.

Bulgarian I, Bulgarian you
We all both liers, we hoping that
true love is there, with the pizza-pie
up in the sky, but made in Italy.
Hahahaha, Bulgarian State Television Choir,
why don't you take a look
to the records I have here?

I can give you
Miàhki snàc
"Kung Fu Fighting" by Carl Douglas,
come on!
Miàhki snàc.
Do you want "Fly Robin Fly"?
Aren't you interested in that?
Miàhki snàc.
"Ali Shuffle"? No? Miàhki snàc.
"Disco Inferno"? Come on?
Miàhki snàc.
Something by the Carpenters ?
Miàhki snàc.
Boney M, like "Ma Baker"
"Daddy Cool", "Rasputin"
Miàhki snàc.
"Gimme some?"
Miàhki snàc.
"Something by Immagination,
Miàhki snàc.
by Plastinc Bertrand,
Ping Pong, Hula Hoop?"

How about "Cuba" by the Gibson Brothers?
Come on, Bulgarian State Television Choir!


ELIO: Uhm, Tanica, hello!
ROCCO TANICA: Yes, hello
ELIO: Tanica...
ROCCO TANICA: Hi, hi boss!
ELIO: How are you?
ELIO: How do you do?
ELIO: No! How do you do?
ROCCO TANICA: I do well...
ELIO: No! How do you do? How do you do?
ROCCO TANICA: How do you do?
ELIO: How do you do?
ELIO: And you?
ELIO: Ok. Allora, eh... Tanica...
you know that we have composed
a very beautiful song...
ELIO: ...intitled "Psychological factors
in the relationships..."
ROCCO TANICA: Ah, Psychological!
ELIO: "...between young men and young women"
ROCCO TANICA: Yes! Psycolooogical faactooors...
yes, yes
ELIO: I mean... I mean.. I mean...
You know that these young women
spend their time trapping young men...
ELIO: Winking at them...
ELIO: Dancing to house music...
ELIO: ...or techno music, or Rotterdam music...
ROCCO TANICA: Bloody girl!
ELIO: All this kind of things...
and while they dance, these young men are
drawing to their prim mentis-like traps,
do you know that?
ROCCO TANICA: yes yes yes
ELIO: Do you know that
these poor young men like black birds
with no feathers, but plenty of hair...
ELIO: ...they are attracted in these traps...
ROCCO TANICA: Of course... That's life...
It's like a metaphor of life
ELIO: And so... and so...
Why don't we sing this song...
ELIO: ...psychological factors in the relationships
between young men and young women
ROCCO TANICA: You mean...
ELIO: And why...
ROCCO TANICA: ...more...more than... that
what we did in the past we do it again now?
ELIO: Yes, in english, to the english people...
ROCCO TANICA: fi-fiuuuu
ELIO: And why don't you recite
the role of the young man?
ELIO: Whilst I on the other hand play
the part of the young slut
ROCCO TANICA: Ah! I think that's the best idea
we could have in years and years...
ELIO: Ok, then let's do it



Io ho 23 anni
Nanana nana nanana nanana
oh yes I like that pizza pie song,
oh mamma mia hahaha haha all this pizza pie
all over in the studio - BURP
stop it please!
Eat spaghetti with mozzarella,
spaghetti bolonnaise!

We used to be engaged
but then you left me
without giving
any plausible explanation.

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ahahaha,
it is not true,
you just don't understand the female universe,
my extreme sensitivity
is the opposite of your
Italian stallion materialism. Uè Uè.

Three, two, one, ready, steady, go!

Darling I love you - I'm feeling quite confused
Darling I love you - I need to be alone
Darling I love you - I've just broken up
with a guy after three years
Darling I love you - I don't want to feel tied down
Darling I love you ...
Ok, let's eat some pizza pie, come on!

Stay home - I want to be free
Go out with whoever you like -
You never care about what I do
I'd like to squeeze your tits - You pig!
I'd never touch you not even with a flower - You Homo!
I take drugs, and blaspheme,
and I hit children and ignore you
- I love you bastard
I work my ass off 14 hours a day to support you
and I listen to you -
I'm leaving you for a junkie who does nothing all day,
who blasphemes and hits children and ignores
evething else me included, my pizza pie.
I'll put on a rubber - I feel maternal
I feel paternal - Put on a rubber

Darling I love you - I'm feeling quite confused
Darling I love you - I need to be alone
Darling I love you - I've just broken up with an Italian
stallion after three years
Darling I love you - I don't want no spaghetti
ahahahahah - ahahahahah

I'm staying home - You oppress me
I am going out - This house is not a hotel
I'll rub your belly with a cube of ice dipped in Cointreau,
then I'll blindfold you and screw you -
Ahu, ahu, I'm not a whore!
Ok then in the missionary position me on top
and you below - How boring!
ahahaha - ahahahah
I am the Italian stallion - I want to be kissed
I am the French stallion - Let's go to the southern
pacific and have an anal explosion
Ok booom hahaha mani pulite!

Darling I love you - I'm feeling quite confused
Darling I love you - I need to be loved
Darling I love you - I've just broken up
with a guy after three years
Darling I love you - I don't want to eat spaghetti anymore
io ho 23 anni

And now let's unite our bodies in the supreme ecstasy
of love's perfection
Oh no - why ? - because when I was thirteen years old
my cousin showed me his thing and it has traumatized
me ever since, nevertheless we can cuddle in bed all
night without doing anything
and it'll be beautiful all the same.

I'll stick it up your ass - Yes, OK, do it now, don't wait.
Would you go out with me tomorrow night?
- Eh I'm a little tired and I think
I might have another date.
-That's OK I can always hang out with my friends -
I am free tonight!
Let's talk about sex - I have a need for affection
Let's talk about affection - Let's screw
I am the way I am - I wish you'd try to change
There you go I've changed -
You're not the same as you used to be
You're my possession -
The uterus is mine
ahahahahah - ahahahah cappuccino
Here's the money for that new fur coat - Here's my uterus
hahahaha pizza pie spaghetti mozzarella
when the moon hits the sky

And so "That's Amore",

io ho 23 anni.


NB: Il verbo "Fart" in inglese vuol dire "scorreggiare"

"And... how do you ex... how do you explain
this phenomenon of the farting?
What explanation do you have for that?"

Elio: "Ma, I... I think, mamma mia,
it's very difficult... I think there is
a very obscure and clever plan behind it!"
Tanica: "Yes. Probably somebody wants the people
all over the world think bad
about the italian people..."
Elio: "Yeah..."
Tanica: "...but they can't...
because you know the italian habits
and italian people, when they fart,
it means appreciation!"
Elio: "And a very sad thing is somebody
is telling in Italy that the responsible
of all this is the Pope.
In Italy everything bad happens,
it's the Pope's fault!"



Uuuuuuuuuuuunlimited penetration,
feeling like a woman
in the body of a man,
homosexuality! Homosexuality!

French kissing with other men,
working as a male whore ho!
Homosexuality! Homosexuality!

I'm not a psycho, I am just like you,
either woman, either man,
I am what I am

What'cha gonna do, what'cha gonna do,
what'cha gonna do, motherfucker!

Homosexuality! What'cha gonna do? (x9)

Homosexuality! There's nothing you can do!! (x12)

Vacations in Turkey, vacations in Marocco
Holidays in Greece, homosexuality - Homosexuality
Getting married and bringing kids into the world
but still being a homosexual,
Homosexuality - Homosexuality

I live just like you,
I hurt just like you,
I laugh just like you,
I take it up the ass like you,
but I give more love than you,

Homosexuality: what'cha gonna do ????

What'cha gonna do?
(x un fottio di volte)

Homosexuality: what'cha gonna do?
(x un fottio di volte)



Dear buyer of this micro-groove,
your enjoinment of this same Cd
is about to come to an end,
but we too just like Black Sabbath
would like to leave you with a misterious satanic message.
To understand it, all you have to do
is to listen to the following pleasant
little tunes playing backwards:





Il titolo è un omaggio a Puppet on a string di Sandie Shaw, molto famosa in America (tnx Pietro).

I am a famous wooden puppet,
and I never ever tell the truth.
I'm a puppet with no pecker,
but Geppetto cut me loose.
It's not much fun when you are a eunuch,
I would love to have a big stick.
Here's my daddy while he's making it!

I'm a proud and happy puppet,
with my new and shiny piece of wood.
I'm the new Italian Stallion,
'coz my daddy made it good.
If my angel wasn't such an angel
I feel a force inside of me, and it's not easy,
and a kind of milkshake comes right out.

Splintering, I feel I'm splintering
If Pierluigi could see me,
I'd have a hard-on for sure.
Splintering, like no one's ever seen
uollano, uollano, uollano,
signorina sono Italiano.


Never never land is where I,
feel like acting like I'm a playboy,
I've been living in a big whale,
I'll invite you, don't be coy.

Fire-eater, you don't want to meet her,
fox and kitty, I will beat yer,
up my ass with Jiminy Cricket,
The more I think about it,
and the more then I am

Splintering, people I'm splintering,
if Pierluigi could see me,
with the expression I'm wearing.

I can cum, thanks to my brand new chum,
uollano, uollano, uollano,
that's my cum, so I'm Italiano.

(NdM: "cum so", cioè "sborra così",
è pronunciato in modo
da sembrare "cazzo")

Meantime, down in the disco...

on the dance floor splintering,
I am the King of the Neighbourhood,
of pussies made out of pine wood.

They all plot,
they like to fuck a lot
they dance on, they dance on,
they dance on,
with the foamy boy from Milano

Ué Ué Ué

che bello
fettuccine bolonnaise
viva l'Italia

Hi, we are Wayne Jackson and Andrew Love,
the Memphis Horns.
And you're watching Elio e le storie tese.


Io ho 23 centimetri.

When I was just a boy,
everyone made fun of me,
just because my penis was enormous,
my mom said it was gorgeous.

I work in a circus because of my penis,
and everybody says: "No problem!",
because my penis makes my living,
now I became a famous actor,
and even though I'm just a slave to love,
I bought myself a rasta Harley.

Now I'm a slave to my new Harley
I got it from Bob Marley,
it's rasta 'cause it was Bob Marley's,
sometimes I ride with Ziggy Marley.

I will relaunch the silent movie
because Bob told me that it's groovie,
and if you see the footage I'm sure that you'll agree with us that this is fundamentally the truth.

John Holmes, life devoted to the cinema
John Holmes, life devoted to a Harley
John Holmes, life devoted to the cinema
John Holmes, life devoted to a Harley

Twelve inches, it is one foot
of artistic reality,
that is what attracted all the critics,
not my acting ability,
because they simply don't get it,
I don't speak 'cause I eat spaghetti,
and so my face is normally off-screen,
all of the people still come to adore me,
and now they've made me into a big style.

I relaunched the silent movie,
because I am silent,
and even if I had been born dumb,
I'd have relaunched the dumb movie,
and if I had been born XXX
I'd have relaunched the XXX movie
I am your fire and your Venus,
because I'm acting with my penis,
and so my penis makes my living,
my penis is very forgiving,
all my Harleys don't forgive me,
and I'm asking for forgiveness,
yes yes my Harleys don't forgive me,
and I'm asking for forgiveness.

Ok, come on!

John Holmes, life devoted to the cinema,
John Holmes, life devoted to a Harley
John Holmes, life devoted to the cinema,
John Holmes, life devoted to a Harley

John Holmes
che bello
il cazzo



The State of A (simimimimimi simi hit monacom),
The State of B (simimimimimi semi so schiandon).
The State of A (simimimimimi simi hit monacom),
The State of B (simimimimimi semi so schiandon).

The State of A is how you feel when you get into bed with
the girl you want to make.
The State of B comes later,
when you realize your error:
it's terror, you know you shouldn't have did it.
You, just an innocent victim
of the terrible effects of the orgasm,
and you know it's not real love,
first the seed and then you are running.

Run away, run away, run away, run away,
feel so better, feel so better, feel so better, feel so better,
damnay, damnay, damnay, damnay, yes, damnation.

The State of A (simimimimimi simi hit monacom),
The State of B (simimimimimi semi so schiandon).
The State of A (simimimimimi simi hit monacom),
The State of B (simimimimimi semi so schiandon).

The State of A is what a girl get when she sees a cute guy
but she was like too late.
The State of B is when the guy tuns out to be a bedway,
you think may, maybe may even be gay.
You just another victim of the problems
of a guy who may be gay,
and you know it's not true love,
first the seed and then you're running.

Gosh and darn it, gosh and darn it, gosh and darn it, gosh and darn it,
jee and wizard, jee and wizard, jee and wizard, jee and wizard,
zigo zago zigo zago zigo zago zigo zigo zago.

Screw yourself screw yourself screw yourself screw yourself,
wait till I catch you wait till I catch you wait till I catch you wait till I catch you.

You think it's love but it is only State of A,
containers of your dreams and your illusion,
You cry for love but all you find are states of B.
You wake up in strangers' bedrooms,
just because you speak italian.
Why don't you bring me roses?
What's the difference?
anyway we're all in The State of B.

You, just another victim of the fight
between your sperm and your good reason,
morality is season, morality is immoral,
and justice is injustice,
possession and repulsion,
the impulse and pulsation.

If it's not true love,
just you come and have back your money.



Yo soy rutinario,
leo la tarjeta sobre el ascensor,
la capacidad, cuantas kilos lleva,
después se abre la puerta y ya no lo se más.

Yo soy rutinario,
y, si me sueno las narices, tengo que revisar
lo que he producido,
cuantos kilos pesas
y si hay peligro
por el ascensor.

Sentado en la bañera, hago ciertas burbujas,
que, subiendo a flote,
corren en mi lomo, haciéndome feliz,
pero en superficie no me gustan más.

Yo soy rutinario, vos no me juzgais,
vos sois como yo.

Y ahora un estribillo
que no tiene un coño que ver,
pero que gusta a los jóvenes.

Digamme porqué
si la vaca hace mu
la merla no hace me.
Nuestra vida es una charada,
a principio parece xxxxyx,
y en cambio es zxxyxz.

Digamme porqué,
hay un dirigible marrón
sin hélice y timón en mi, porqué?

Cuando tengo una muchacha,
yo pruebo mi aliento que no sea pesado,
me quedo en el baño,
pienso que se coje,
después no se coje
y no me lavo más.

Busco entre mis narices
una atestación de mis raíces,
pero encuentro un higo y tendré que tenderlo
debajo de algún banco, como en juventud.

Estas son mis costumbres,
yo vendo alambres, vos sois como yo...

Y entonces otro estribillo,
que no tiene un coño que ver,
pero que gusta a los jóvenes:

Digamme porqué
si la vaca hace mu
la merla no hace me.

Hi, we are Wayne Jackson and Andrew Love,
the Memphis horns.
Hi, I am the rararous.
Big trouble. Thank You.

Digamme porqué,
hay un dirigible marrón,
sin hélice y timón, en mi, porqué?

Llegado al final del día, busco
entre mis mantas un poco de esperanza,
pedos en abundancia, me llamo Guillermo,
alegre me duermo, ebrio de mis gases.


El Pubis es un piloto, vendedor volante.
Si ateriza está alegre
y si vuela es un gran piloto.
La gente divisa que está muy distante;
y se dice y se habla que
está el Pubis perdiendo altura.

Vien abajo en picada con su avion estupendo,
emocionando al suelo se desbarata;
hiere a la gente con su avion mediocre,
la gente reunida lo saca de su avion de pinga,
y lo lleva en triunfo a la plaza.

Ay, ay, ay, ha aterrizado El Pubis!
"Los veo en falta de amor! Les serviria un producto"
Que queres? Tienes tù sexto sentido?
"Les muestro un gran necessaire para satisfacer a la pareja"

La plaza lo acoje de simple manera,
mientras El Pubis saca
su legendario aceite anal:
desnuda su mujer de lo mas tranquilo,
con el unguento suaviza la frotación de su platanazo.

El pueblo en fiesta quiere hacer lo mismo,
y compra en masa la pomadaza anal.
La mujer piensa: "No està mal este pueblo!"
Que milagron comercial: todos en la esposa
que les da un recibo legal.

Ay, ay, ay, millionario El Pubis;
cambia en la plaza el honor de la mujer pegajosa.
Dale y dale la mujer orgasma;
El se queda un poco mal,
y de pronto orgasma el pueblo.
El pueblo eyacula.

El Pubis de fiesta acaba las provisiones
pero su esposa no lo quiere más.
Esta es la historia del vendedor perfecto
que renegò la moral
por vender su unguento
y perdiò hasta el anillo nupsial

Ay, ay, ay, solitario El Pubis
Todavia un triste final
para un union de pareja.
Como estás? - Un poquito nervioso,
pero es muy rico ver
a la propia mujer que orgasma!...
pero es muy rico ver
a la propia mujer que orgasma.
Es muy rico ver
a la propia mujer que se desnuda
pero al final solo queda,
solo queda su bata;
está un poco manchada
pero es siempre su bata
Siempre su bata.

La la la la la El Pubis
La la la la la El Pubis
La la la la la El Pubis
La la la la la El Pubis
La la la la la El Pubis
Ooooooooooh ma!



La voce femminile è di Vanessa Guarnera, mentre "Pygmy Pony" è una probabile citazione di Montana di Frank Zappa. Inoltre, secondo me S.W.A.K. sta per Sealed With A Kiss, ma non ci giurerei. (tnx GP/Lupus Yonderboy)

Hi, there!
Young lady who's writing on the subway walls,
are you going to meet your friends down at the Mall?
You're just a youngster,
you're not too young to fall.

You, young lady who's writing,
you look really fine,
you, with your little body
looking up at mine,
I know that you think about me all the time,
you write with your spraypaint
millions of initials just like
I., L.Y., S.W.A.K.

You are so attractive, you,
you're dreaming about
the cute guy in Take That,
you, you're just tryin'out
your first Lady Gilette,
and doing an intrip
with the handheld shower.
And all of the sudden, the chorus:

I., L.Y., S.W.A.K. by E.L.I.O.
Ooh, I., L.Y., S.W.A.K.: we
raindrops in a tornado!

Ehi, you know, I dig you more and more,
and I think I'm really lovin' you.

But you know the way the story goes,
after the loving becomes so boring,
and then we will get divorce, too,
and the children will be unhappy...

No. I'll never give up
the cute guy in Take That
Who - don't say it - is missing just
one hole - you can't - in his backside
- it's not true and you know it -
and he is such a cute and cuddly fellow,
and off we'll go to live in England.

I., L.Y., S.W.A.K by E.L.I.O.
Ooh, I., L.Y., S.W.A.K.:
we, we take out a can of spraypaint,
except that these tons of solvent,
we like Earth, Wind and Fire.

Look at how the spraypaint
dries so slowly - it dries so slowly -,
Watch me as I ride my pygmy pony,
while we wait we eat these pepperoni - these pepperoni
did you try the cheese and maccheroni?

Ooh, I., L.Y., S.W.A.K.:
we, we take out a can of spraypaint.

My name is Krapac


Elio: "What the truth is,
even if it is sad, we want to say
bread to bread, wine to wine!"

Rocco: "This is our tipical italian habit,
as you can see, but don't be desperate,
you every people in America,
because even if America has been not discovered yet,
you still live in a very wonderful country,
which is not USA but it is, I don't know, Belgium!"
Tutti i brani in inglese sono stati trascritti da MaRoK,
quelli in spagnolo da Marco Spagnolli e dalla minorenne Flo.

Grazie a KuroTora, Grumo e Lupus per la collaborazione.

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