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    • Questo forum è stato realizzato da Marok basandosi sul progetto open-source Vanilla 1.1.5a, realizzato da Lussumo. Su Internet trovate la Documentazione e la Comunità di Nerd che ci stanno dietro. A breve, rilascerò il codice sorgente di questo forum... giusto il tempo di rileggere con calma le minkiate che ho scritto! :)

Vanilla 1.1.5a is a product of Lussumo. More Information: Documentation, Community Support.

    • CommentTime18/05/2009, 23:38 modiFICAto
      2 punti
    Avete mai sentito il bisogno di parlare con qualcuno ma non vi caga nessuno?
    Gli amici vi hanno tirato il pacco e non potrete andare a giocare più a frisbee?
    Stanchi di vandalizzare Wikipedia?
    Vostro fratello ha bisogno di qualcuno che ricicl... gli tenga i soldi per un po'?
    Siete troll ma vi hanno bannato da tutti i forum del Web?
    Volete buttare via il vostro tempo ma proprio non sapete come fare?
    La vita è una merda?
    Cercate figa?

    Io vi lascio la soluzione al vostro problema. Fatene buon uso.
    Ah, in India ci hanno trovato moglie.
    • CommentTime19/05/2009, 01:45
      4 punti
    Omegle conversation log 2009-05-19
    Connecting to server...
    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: hi
    You: i'm your god
    Stranger: :) okay
    Stranger: tell me everything
    You: ok
    Stranger: !
    You: now
    You: i'm your only god
    Stranger: ok
    You: and i'm quite tired
    You: so
    You: please gimme some beer
    Stranger: german beer ?
    You: you know
    You: it's hard creating a world
    Stranger: i know..
    You: a belgian one pleas
    You: e
    Stranger: what ?!
    Stranger: is that a joke ?
    You: no
    Stranger: lol
    You: i'm your god
    Stranger: belgian beer...
    You: and i want a belgian beer
    Stranger: belgian beer sucks
    You: are you opposing your god?
    You: gimme a belgian beer
    You: and have one with me
    You: or i'll kill you
    Stranger: is god from belgian?
    You: maybe
    You: or maybe not
    You: you don't have to ask nothing
    You: gimme a fuckin beer!
    Stranger: i dont think so... every country but not belgian
    You: ok
    Stranger: kill me bitsch
    You: i'm not belgian
    You: but i like belgian beer
    Stranger: ok
    Stranger: here yyou have one fucking belgian beer
    You: thank you man
    Stranger: no problem
    You: here you got an 18-year-old swedish baby
    Stranger: really?
    You: of course
    You: is right behind you
    You: lying on your bed
    Stranger: i have no bed
    You: oh
    You: do you like sleeping on the floor?
    Stranger: no on death people
    You: mm ok
    You: so
    You: here you got a dead person
    You: and now
    You: i want a flying crocodile to eat
    Stranger: then create one
    You: i've already created a lot of them
    You: please go and bring one to me
    Stranger: and where are the flying crocodiles ?
    You: i don't know
    You: i just ask you to bring me a flying crocodile
    Stranger: i wont bring you the crocodile
    Stranger: !
    You: are you challenging me=
    You: ?
    Stranger: yes
    Stranger: god is a small ugly guy
    Stranger: come and beat me
    You: oh
    You: i don't have to come
    You: i'll just have to destroy your home with a thunder
    Stranger: iam a voodoo master i will kill YOU
    You: why don't we give it up
    You: and try to conquer the world together?
    Stranger: okay
    You: okay
    You: what shall we do?
    Stranger: conquer the united states and destroy them !
    Stranger: after that.. china and russia
    Stranger: and then we buy cuba
    You: you're not as stupid as you look like
    Stranger: :D
    You: ok
    Stranger: thanks god
    You: what do we need?
    You: i think
    You: i can call buddha
    Stranger: ok do that
    You: ok
    Stranger: iam calling franz beckenbauer
    You: oh you're a genius
    Stranger: i know
    You: he can conquer the usa alone
    Stranger: thats true
    You: so
    Stranger: he is a dirty old motherfucker with a lot of skills
    Stranger: ok buddha and franz, and. ?
    Stranger: god ?
    You: mmm
    Stranger: where are you ?
    You: i'm here
    You: i was wondering about what to do
    You: ok
    You: the ruse is
    You: we send beckenbauer to us
    Stranger: ok
    You: and we have us
    You: then we tell buddha to go to china and india
    Stranger: thats the deal dude !
    You: and to tell people to surrender and to help us conquering the world
    You: then
    You: with the us-china-india army
    You: we move to russia
    You: and to the rest of the europe
    You: then we split
    You: half in africa
    You: and half in south america
    You: then we go all together to australia
    You: and finally
    You: we go to prague
    Stranger: and make party ?
    You: where we will estabilish the new world government
    Stranger: why in prague ?
    You: formed by me, you, buddha and franz beckenbauer
    You: because they motherfuckers have a lot of beer there!
    Stranger: german beer is the only right one dude
    You: once you're the world president you will drink every fuckin kind of beer you want dude
    Stranger: mh okay this will be a nice time for us
    You: i think so
    You: bitches are also cheap there
    You: so we'll have a great time
    Stranger: cool and buddha will smoke some weed with us
    You: of course
    Stranger: and then beckenbauer and buddha making a child
    You: oh no please
    Stranger: and the child will be the next god
    You: no no no
    Stranger: okay sry dude bad idea
    You: i think so
    You: i think
    You: we shall advise david bowie too
    You: he will provide us some good music once we are the world presidents
    Stranger: what !?!
    Stranger: oh no please
    Stranger: not david bowie
    You: ok
    You: bruce springsteen?
    You: ac/dc?
    Stranger: mh okay better then bowie
    You: i vote for ac/dc
    Stranger: highway to hell and the other shit ?
    You: man
    You: if you offend ac/dc
    You: then i have to kill you
    You: remember
    You: in a few days you could be the world president
    You: but now i'm god
    You: and you a miserable voodoo master
    Stranger: okay master
    You: ok
    You: so
    You: ac/dc will play for us
    Stranger: okay and many bitches
    You: lot of bitches
    You: tons of bitches
    Stranger: okay god tell me what i must to do
    You: go and look for franz beckenbauer
    You: once you've found him
    You: bring him to me
    Stranger: where do you live ?
    You: in italy
    You: i'll give you the money for the gasoline don't worry
    Stranger: okay thanks
    Stranger: and when iam death.. can you rescue me ?
    You: once i decide that u are friend of mine
    You: you become immortal
    You: so
    You: don't worry
    You: and bring me beckenbauer
    Stranger: i will do it
    You: thank you man
    Stranger: okay and how can i connect with you when i have beckenbauer ?
    You: do you have msn messenger?
    Stranger: no only icq
    You: goddamn
    You: here in heaven we all use msn
    Stranger: what microsoftcrap ?
    Stranger: -.-
    You: but we're all mac-users
    Stranger: i thinked god is using open source
    You: no
    You: god use a macbook
    Stranger: only gaylords use macs .. and wannabe webmasters
    Stranger: sry but its true
    You: i'm a wannabe webmasters
    You: without the final s
    Stranger: :P
    Stranger: really ?
    You: have you got facebook?
    Stranger: no
    You: you're useless man
    Stranger: iam sry
    You: anyway
    Stranger: iam stupid i know
    You: here's my mail
    Stranger: ok
    Stranger: i will write some crypted letters to you when i have beckenbauer
    You: oh you don't have to crypt them
    You: remember
    You: god uses mac
    Stranger: okay i understand ^^
    You: nobody can hack god's mac
    Stranger: i can give you many exploits for macs
    Stranger: :P
    You: i don't need them
    You: i'm god
    Stranger: true
    Stranger: okay i must go now and find beckenbauer
    You: it's your task
    You: please
    You: remember my email
    You: and as soon as you have beckenbauer
    You: send me an email
    Stranger: i will do it dude
    You: ok
    Stranger: thanks for doing all this..
    You: it's my pleasure
    Stranger: :D
    You: so
    You: good night and good quest man
    Stranger: thanks my friend i will win !
    You: i hope so
    You: next week we'll be the world presidents!
    You: i, you, buddha and beckenbauer
    Stranger: its the best.. for the whole world
    You: i think so
    You: good night man
    You: keep in touch!
    Stranger: good night and we will rule it all ! beckenbauer will be mine !!! and here you have another belgian beer
    You: thank you mate
    You: good quest
    Stranger: thanks have a nice day/night or whatever
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Grazie di avermelo fatto scoprire!
    • CommentTime19/05/2009, 01:57
      0 punti
    You: hi
    Stranger: mike?
    You: i'm you, and you?
    Stranger: O_o
    Stranger: ARE YOU miKE11111
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
    • CommentTime19/05/2009, 07:45
      0 punti
    Che bello avere tanto tempo da buttare nel cesso...
    • CommentTime19/05/2009, 09:54
      2 punti
    Dubito dell’utilitá del sito, ma mi sono accordato con un tale per scambiarci mutuamente 1.000.000 di dollari in monete. Ora posso affrontare meglio questa giornata.
  1.   0 punti
    In questo sito avete il 50% di beccare un /b/tard e un 25% di beccare un utente di shhh, non è una bella cosa in entrambi i casi.
    • CommentTime20/05/2009, 05:07
      1 punto
    Posted By: quetzalcoatl In questo sito avete il 50% di beccare un /b/tard e un 25% di beccare un utente di shhh, non è una bella cosa in entrambi i casi.

    Non noto particolari peggioramenti rispetto a :)
    • CommentTime20/05/2009, 22:59
      0 punti
    Propongo un gioco. Si chiama il gioco di Silvio: ognuno cerca di fare Berlusconi su omegle e osserva le reazioni del pubblico. Ecco che mi è capitato:

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: They have just asked me whether I wanted some cyber sex
    You: then I told them
    You: "I am Silvio Berlusconi!"
    You: and they left
    You: poor Silvio -.-
    Stranger: yea right
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: hi m or f
    You: Hi! I'm Silvio Berlusconi, wanna cyber?
    Stranger: m or f
    You: Male. Don't you know me?
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: Hi!
    You: Hi! I'm Silvio Berlusconi!
    You: Do you know me?
    Stranger: Nice to meet you Silvio!
    Stranger: Of course I know you - I like your G5
    You: I want to make it clear
    You: that Obama really looks suntanned
    You: but It wasn't an offence
    Stranger: he got a lot of sun!
    You: Nobody understands me :(
    Stranger: to bad
    You: Now they say I'm divorcing with my loved wife.
    You: That bitch.
    Stranger: where are you from?
    You: I'm Italian.
    You: Wasn't that obvious?
    Stranger: There are yet lot more bitches on this planet!!
    You: I'm pretty famous, if you know me ;)
    Stranger: Yeah, I alreade thought, that you are not from the US
    You: No, but we're undergoing elections right now
    You: and so it's not that good to have my wife leaving ME
    You: I want to make her pay for it
    Stranger: find an other one!
    Stranger: a younger - more beautiful
    Stranger: and more sexy one
    You: Dude, I really can't. They are also saying I'm a pedophile!
    You: They're saying I'm crazy!
    Stranger: of course not!
    Stranger: not at all
    Stranger: you are very cool!!
    You: I just went to a birthday party of an old friend of mine
    You: (Oh thank you, I love compliments)
    Stranger: I know!
    Stranger: I know, that you love compliments!
    Stranger: How is your business running?
    You: Oh, there's a bit of a crysis around.
    Stranger: The same by us
    You: But I'm fine.
    Stranger: me too, of course!
    You: I'm probably the most important person here
    You: I've got televisions, parties
    Stranger: in Italy, but in Russia I am!
    You: ...oh another Communist?
    Stranger: Thats what I have!
    Stranger: of course not!!!!
    You: Well, I'm a big friend of your president.
    Stranger: I am the president of "RODINA"
    Stranger: You know Silvio, I am your frind Vlad!
    You: No, that's not possible
    Stranger: I thougt, you would recognize me!
    You: you lack the charm
    You have disconnected.

    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: Hey!
    Stranger: hey
    You: I'm Silvio. Wanna cyber?
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.

    Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: Hi!
    Stranger: i there
    Stranger: hi*
    You: Do you know Silvio Berlusconi?
    Stranger: yep
    Stranger: italian president
    You: Nobody believes me when I tell them I'm Silvio.
    You: They also dared to ask me if I wanted to cyber
    Stranger: maybe because in this page anybody knows nothing
    Stranger: hahahah
    You: and worst of all, they dared to ask me if I were male or female
    Stranger: lol
    You: Do you really see "Silvio" fit as a female name?
    Stranger: what a ignorants
    Stranger: of course no
    You: Would you ever call your daughter "Silvio"?
    You: Because I would.
    Stranger: maybe Silvia
    You: Apparently there are no italians in here -.-
    Stranger: i found some
    Stranger: 2 or 3
    Stranger: but
    You: I wanted to make some good propaganda for my party, and I thought I could hit the population here
    Stranger: not all the people that talks to you
    You: I know. Most of them hate me.
    Stranger: put in the publicity
    Stranger: why?
    Stranger: because you have prohibited touch your balls in public?
    You: Because all the mass media is controlled by the left wing!!!
    You: Of course I have my televisions, but I've NEVER made some propaganda on them
    You: all my subordinates are communists
    You: -.-
    You: But they sure laugh at my jokes.
    Stranger: what a shit
    You: Yeah.
    You: YOu know how they call it.
    You: "Conflict of interests"
    Stranger: how?
    Stranger: what a fucking idiots
    You: I can't both work in the government AND own televisions
    You: so I gave the televisions to my son Piersilvio
    You: (good choice for a name huh?)
    Stranger: peter an silvio toghether
    You: And despite no propaganda for my party being aired on my son's televisions, I'm still being judged for "conflict of interests"
    You: Where are you from, dear stranger?
    You: I just want to know what they say about me in your country.
    Stranger: You know who is zapatero?
    You: Of course I do.
    You: Are you Spanish, then?
    You: I'm basically against his campaign towards the love for homosexuals, because I'm a Catholic.
    Stranger: you're incredible
    You: Thank you ;)
    Stranger: me too
    Stranger: the homosexuals has right
    Stranger: rights
    Stranger: but no the rights to go on the streets kissing and going by the hand
    You: Well, they're free to do what they want in Spain, but not here. The Pope would not tolerate it.
    Stranger: and sometimes, they confuse you with one of them
    You: Oh, that sucks -.-
    You: But what they say about me, really.
    You: I have to know, since I want to improve my image abroad.
    You: Did you know that I own a television in Spain too?
    You: Or well, now it's my son's.
    You: Be as sincere as you can.
    You: (did you like the joke about Obama being tanned, btw?)
    Stranger: sorry
    Stranger: my english is good but not at all
    Stranger: the last sentence
    Stranger: can you explain to me mr president?
    You: Ok. A few months ago Obama became president of the United States, you know
    You: and after seeing the ceremony, I was interviewed about a future collaboration with him
    You: and I said "He's young, beautiful and suntanned too, we will surely have a great collaboration!"
    You: Suntanned means that your skin is broun because you've been under the sun
    Stranger: hahahahahahahha
    Stranger: lol
    You: That was funny, wasn't it? :D
    Stranger: nearly gay
    You: Oh, sheesh :D
    Stranger: hahahha
    You: So what do they say about me?
    You: Televisions, Spanish people-.
    Stranger: i don't watch the tv so much
    Stranger: but no bad things at all
    You: Realy?
    You: Are you going to vote for the European Parliament?
    Stranger: yeah!
    Stranger: my mother said me days ago
    You: Guess who will I vote for :DDDDDD
    Stranger: mmmm
    Stranger: maybe Szarchosy?
    You: No! You're wrong!
    You: I'll vote for myself XD
    You: My daughter taught me this word that fits the context "PURE PWNAGE"
    Stranger: hahahah i know, i know
    Stranger: pwange?
    You: I don't know what it means, really
    You: but she said that it's like when you're really happy
    You: because you're better than others
    You: I have great plans for the future, my son.
    You: I'm always happy to see people supporting me, even if you are from a foreign country.
    You: You're more than welcome to visit Italy ;)
    Stranger: thank you mr president
    Stranger: so
    Stranger: has the president a msn account?
    You: Of course not. I cannot use it. It's not safe.
    Stranger: sorry men
    You: There's control over every conversation.
    Stranger: i have to go
    You: Sorry :(
    Stranger: remember that pablo has to take out coco
    Stranger: bye
    You: Ok!
    You: Hope to see you here in Rome!
    You: Who is coco, btw?
    Stranger: a dog
    Stranger: white like the coconaut
    You: Nice name!
    You: He is blessed by my holy powers now.
    You: When you'll take it out, he'll make Holy poop.
    You: You shall get that poop and save it for the day in which I'll be in the European parliament
    You: You will know what to do with it, then ;)
    Stranger: no
    Stranger: what
    Stranger: throw it to u?
    You: Why would you do that :(
    You: So you really were against me :(
    Stranger: because holly poop won't stink and don't you cober of brown
    Stranger: cover*
    Stranger: maybe it becomes into gold
    Stranger: or money
    You: You just have to try and see the miracle with your own eyes
    Stranger: or fireworks to celebrate you have won
    You: maybe it turns into a delicious chocolate cake
    Stranger: maybe, who knows
    You: and so you can save it to celebrate
    You: But don't count on it.
    You: Well, I have to leave now. Tomorrow I have to get up early to see the other members of my new party
    Stranger: ok silvio
    Stranger: get well
    Stranger: and remember the sentences i said to you
    Stranger: it is a prove
    You: I will remember :)
    Stranger: that you were in omegle!
    Stranger: bye Silvio
    You: Btw do you think I look cute with my new haircut?
    Stranger: i haven't see it
    Stranger: i would tell you
    Stranger: if i could speak to you again
    You: Give me your email, I will try to contact you after the campaign has ended ;)
    Stranger: ok
    Stranger: not by email
    Stranger: add me and we speak
    Stranger: pablo******@*******.***
    You: Ok ;)
    You: And now goodnight, Pablo!
    You have disconnected.

    ...Non è andata come speravo. Magari a voi va meglio.
    • CommentTime20/05/2009, 23:07
      0 punti
    Com’era? TL,DR?
    • CommentTime20/05/2009, 23:15
      1 punto
    Sto morendo.

    Connecting to server...
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    Stranger: looking for a gay guy whos willing to jack off on cam for me
    You: i'm Silvio Berlusconi and i like it!
    Stranger: you'll go on cam for me ?
    You: do you know me?
    Stranger: noo
    You: but
    You: i have
    You: a little cock
    You: do you like anymore?
    Stranger: its alright
    You: you're a comunist?
    Stranger: whats your msn ?
    Stranger: noo
    You: perfect
    You: my msn are
    You: add me
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.


    Connecting to server...
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: hi
    Stranger: hi
    You: i'm Silvio Berlusconi!
    You: and you?
    Stranger: Italian ? (:
    Stranger: im Hampus ;p
    You: yes.. I'm the Prime Minister of Italy
    You: do you know me?
    Stranger: no..
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.


    Stranger: hih
    You: hi
    You: i'm Silvio Berlusconi!
    You: and you?
    Stranger: im Noora
    Stranger: asl?
    You: Silvio Berlusconi male 72 milan
    You: you?
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.


    You: hi
    Stranger: hi
    You: i'm Silvio Berlusconi!
    You: you?
    Stranger: fuck you /b/
    Stranger: god damnit
    You: you're comunist!
    You: you eat children!
    Stranger: is there a raid thread or something
    You: you're a fuckin comunist!
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.


    You: hi
    You: i'm Silvio Berlusconi!
    You: you?
    Stranger: im yi zhu
    Stranger: im a chinese~
    You: you're comunist!
    You: you eat children!
    Stranger: ...
    You: you're a fuckin asshole!
    You: fuck you!
    Your conversational partner has disconnected.
    • CommentTime20/05/2009, 23:55
      0 punti
    Ora vediamo se Grammar Nazi se la cava anche con l'inglese.asd

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